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    1. Well, that didn't take long.

      by , 09-19-2015 at 12:44 PM (Here be dragons)
      Got startled awake by a phone at 9 am, only got 4 hours of sleep and mighty kitty still fast asleep, I followed his lead and got back to bed. Took me way to long to fall back asleep, thanks advertising compagny

      I was in a amusement park, and I remembered that it was owned by Disney*. I was walking around in the restaurant of a hotel with big windows that overlooked a harbor. The walls were white with a wooden trim and the floor carpeted. There was a handful of buffet tables, and someone had left their bikes against one of them. Being my usual clumsy self, I knocked both of them on the floor and had a hard time picked them up. I moved one of them to a railing, them tried to move the other one, but it was really heavy. Feed up by this, I decided to lift it up using telekinesis and placed it back against the table. I started to walk away, then I paused.

      Wait, I juste used TELEKINESIS. That's a dream, right?**
      I looked auround, surprised. I thought this would come back, but not that quick. I tentativly walked back in the lobby of the hotel and found myself in a corridor. I looked myself over and discovered that I've wandered around wearing a pink, plushy, very short bathrobe*** all this time. Not really having a clear objective for this dream (since I thought I would have time to come up with one...) I decided to keep walking around and maybe find something interesting.
      Upon finding a mirror, I tried to change my clothes. I opened the bathrobe and inveiled a multicolored, iridescent corset underneath. My arms were still kind of twisted in the bathrobe and the dream was going a little fuzzy, so I simply changed it into an short vest in the same color that the corset and slipped it back.
      Shortly after, I lost my vision, everything going black and white before fading to black.

      I feel like I'm waking up, and push myself back into the dream.
      I ended up in front of my real house, standing in front of my window. my lucidity was very, very low, and while I was aware that it was a dream, I was pretty much a passive spectator. I turned to my left and put my right hand behind my back**** to summon Eli, but nothing came and I started to feel a weird sens of dread. I looked back behind me and saw a figure huddled against the palm tree that's in my front law, looking even crying or in pain. I quickly walked up to it, calling Eli's name. I kneeled beside the figure, but it wasn't Eli. It was an male DC, with shapeshifting features. He got up and started to cornered me. David showed up, his hair shifting from ginger to white and them back, pushing the DC away and pulling me to his side. We all walked up to the street and the male DC started to go to another house. We followed him, even if I felt unhappy about it. He entered the house and I finnaly woke up.

      * That was of course a fake souvenir. And there wasn't any hidden mickey!
      ** a accurate reddition of my thought process, caps and all.
      *** I own the same one in real life. It's comfy. And I don't wear it in public, that would cause the fashion police to come after me.
      **** That was my go-to method to summon people while lucid and never failed me before (I had a better level of dream control though.) It's dead easy: put your hand behind you and expect someone slip their hand in it. I had someone putting me in an armlock once, but he was a jerk.

      Updated 09-19-2015 at 01:41 PM by 88858 (typo, typo everywhere!)

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. Day 4: Lucidity!

      by , 02-02-2011 at 03:49 PM (A Penrose Mind)
      Pre dream:
      I was hellbent on getting a lucid dream, so much though that I literally tried to stick my finger through my hand throughout the entire day and constantly questioned my reality and weather I was dreaming or not. I tried looking for all the signs, text looking weird and not looking the same with a second read, clocks acting weird (which is funny because I stared at a clock for a while and the minute hand went backwards an I was like "OMG!" but then it went back to normal), digital clocks going crazy, electronics not working, mine or other peoples hands looking weird (also funny because one of my friends hands were all different colours but then he told me people drew on his hand for some reason), and weird colours of the sky (throughout the day the sky was white). So it was a pretty trippy day, I also preformed double reality checks anytime something out of the ordinary happened or if something seemed strange or not right. Before I went to sleep I got caught up "in-between" the dream and reality, where my thoughts seemed to be deeper in my mind and not make a lot of sense, and when these things occurred immediately I got up and preformed a reality check. Eventually, I fell asleep.

      I was waking around in a familiar area, it's my old school(which is right next to my new one)and I'm facing the dufferin mall. (It's much smaller than in the dream than in waking life, it not necessarily an easy building to recreate). I was walking towards it through my schools parking lot. I find myself wondering how I got here. I preform a reality check and try to push my right finger through my left palm. It doesn't work.

      "Of course I can't do it." I think to myself.

      But just to double check, I pinch my noes and try to breath, and what do you know,
      I could breath!

      "I'm dreaming? I'm dreaming!" I think to myself.

      I do it again.

      "Yes!" I say to myself. "Time to do awesome stuff!"

      I heard about flying in dreams, it's the first thing I try. I remember hearing that an easy way for beginners to do it is to jump up and down higher and higher.

      I jump up...

      and fall right back to the ground. I do it again...

      same thing.

      "Well fuck me." I say to myself, quite frustrated that my first lucid isn't turning out so well.

      I pinch my noes again and try to breath, at first I can't, but afterward I have no problem. I feel discouraged. I begin walking towards the mall.

      "What else can I do?" I think.

      Then I have a false awakening. I'm in the back of a taxi, wondering how I got there of course.

      "That was cool, my first lucid dream." I think to myself unaware that I'm still dreaming.

      The taxi is parked outside of the mall. The driver looks a bit angry at me, probably because I fell asleep in his car. Someone's waiting for me inside the mall. I go inside. A DC greets me as soon as I step inside. She's white, kind of chubby, maybe in her 50's, brown short hair, and wide eyes. She's wearing a jacket (which I now recognize to be my grandmother's). The funny thing is when I first see her I say in my head:

      "You're not real, you're a projection of my subconscious."

      But I was like, "Nah I'm not dreaming anymore." Once again strange dream topography. The mall that I walk inside of the mall that I walk into is actually a different mall all together, the yorkgate mall. False memories begin flooding my head. I'm a boy who delivers packages for the mafia, this woman is my mentor. I delivered a few packages in my dream but only one delivery stands out in my head. I need to deliver this package to this fast food store, but I need thirty minutes to do it. I'm being timed. The goal is to reach the front of the line with thirty minutes left on the clock so I don't hold up the line. Weird thing is when this is happening a line of my text pops up in mind (with a lot of spelling errors): "I didn't want to hold up the line to long." I reach the front of the line, 27:36 left on the clock.

      "Good enough." I think to myself.

      I believe more escapades happen in the mall and I met some of the mafia guys I was working for but it's pretty hard to remember. Some time later I end up back at my apartment and I'm talking dad when my DC mentor comes through the door. Apparently my dad and grandma know her and are really happy to see her.
      I'm drawing a blank about what happens after this (if anything does) so I'll skip to the end. I wake up at around 4:30 a.m., 2nd of February 2011.

      Yeah I woke up late.

      "There's no way I'm gonna get up." I think to myself.

      "I'm going back to bed."

      I collapse down and fall asleep shortly after.

      In this dream a lady shows up to my house. She has medium long black hair. She's telling me about the school I want to get into (she's probably a representative) and she kept on insinuating that it was too late and I wouldn't be able to get in. This makes me sad as the school I'm trying to get in is the same school Maisha goes to (it really is this isn't false memory) and shortly after things start to get blurry, I fall down and lay down on a couch (the couch I'm sleeping on) and I wake up.

      I wake up at around 7:20 a.m., the 2nd of February 2011. (yay snow day! ^^)

      As lucid dreaming goes this was pretty much a success, as dream control goes this was pretty much a failure. But now that I know the noes trick works (and for some reason the finger one doesn't) I have successfully confirmed a reality check! Now I need to learn more about dream control and practice flying. Once again wish me luck!

      Note: It seems like I have a very short attention span in dreams. I just got so excited that was like, "First thing I wanna do, fly!" Perhaps it is just man's nature to reach for the sky. If I attain lucidity again I have to remember my goals and constantly RC so I remember I'm dreaming. I guess I'll just have to study them. Perhaps I couldn't fly because I half-expected to not be able to (it was very realistic). Also I remember when I jumped up and down gravity was the same, if not stronger. If anyone has any tips on how to remember things in a dream please let me know.

      Updated 02-12-2011 at 08:23 AM by 41835

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    3. Uneventful Lucid, didn't get to speak to Mitzu.... again

      by , 11-12-2010 at 12:00 PM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      12/11/10 I woke up and did a reality check, the flat seemed perfectly normal, but finally me trying to get in the habit of reality checking upon wakeups seemed to pay off. The only thing that seemed different to the flat was that it was mirrored, however I only discovered that after having checked my hand and found 7 fingers. I went around the room looking at the details and feeling it up a bit in order to stabilise and noticed an extravagant amount of ornamental lighting, which is unusual for me, screw it I refuse to be an anti consumerist in my sleeping life, it looked rather nice after all. Ok so, stabilisation seems to be OK and it is now daylight rather than dark outside. I do a little jump over my coffee table and refuse to land and instead take off into flight, the old fly through the window without breaking it is intriguing as ever. That is until I slam my face against the glass and I can feel my glasses bending on my face. That is weird I have never worn glasses in my dreams before. I try again for a bit, unsuccessful until I decide to just open the damn thing, damn what is going on with my control. I fly out and find some scaffolding and slide down it, but the falling sensation is arousing a primal fear so I take off into flight instead (W.T.F!!!!!???), landing on a trailer a bit later. I call out for Mitzu and turn around to see her reflection in a window and sure enough she comes around the corner a bit later. She looks somewhat different, still yellow eyes, but more Asian, she also has an Asian accent. I speak to her in Danish (I normally don't do that in dreams either) and think again. I can't remember what I said in Danish, but the English sentence I muttered was “I don't expect this to be an issue, but is it OK if I speak Danish to do you understand” She replied that it wasn't a problem and the dream started fading.

      Damn, Damn, Damn I just want to have a good conversation with her but I always seem to wake up shortly after her appearing.
      lucid , memorable